Sunday, December 9, 2012

Promise I am still alive!

I have been a total and complete blogger slacker/failure!
But I am back!!
So since my last post a LOT has gone on.
First and foremost, I married the most wonderful man just last week and I am now Lauryn White :)
Second, I have been preparing for the wedding, which took up about 98% of my spare time...maybe I should have done a wedding blog?!
Third, I have been having fun decorating for the holidays around my house.
Fourth, working, working, and working.  Anyone who teaches knows that it is not easy keeping kids attention from October- December (Halloween and Christmas!)

(Picture is courtesy of my amazing photographer and friend Anna for AnnaK Photography)

Since my absence and while preparing to try to look my best on my wedding day, I have lots of new tricks and tips I can't wait to share :)  However, I have to admit, since the wedding a week ago, I have been eating terribly!  But I need to change this quickly, for we are leaving for our honeymoon this Friday, so back to living my favorite quote..."You are what you eat!"

Today I am just going to share a little yummy meal I discovered while trying to eat healthier when eating out.   Salads, a lot of the time, bore me so I was excited to see this.

Chick-fil-A now has where you can choose to get grilled nuggets instead of fried!  Of course, I also try to switch out the fries and replace with the fruit cup.  I know it may sound kind of boring, but it is very good, and the fruit is extremely fresh!

I do ask for a Chick-fil-A sauce, but use it sparingly (when I order fries, I can go through two packets of about wasted calories and a lot of them too)

With that being said, I am going to say good night!
Promise not to leave this blog hanging again for over 3 months :)
