Monday, August 20, 2012

Keeping Up with the Cals...

Usually when I am trying to lose weight, I am all about tracking my calorie intake.  This time, however, I am trying to just eat clean.  But it is still good to write down everything you are eating just to be able to keep up with it because once you write it all down, you can see exactly how much you are eating.  

Therefore, I always journal it.  I just buy a little, cheap notebook (the one I am using now is from Target) and write away!  On the first page I try to set my goals and write them out.  Then on each day, I log what I eat and what work out I did.  This helps so much!  You can add calories too!

Now, I also have an awesome app that works great for tracking food, calories, and exercise.  It is called My Fitness Pal (it cost very little).  You can literally look up any food, even from different restaurants.  It tracks everything, right there on your phone!  I still use my journal just because I like to write things out better thank enter them in, but I do love this app :)


Happy Journaling!

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